Hello again from Geri Beam in Georgia. Today I am mixing my love of paper and stitching to create a work of art. The cut files create perfectly spaced holes to make stitching this project easy.
Supplies needed:
White card stock
Needle and embroidery thread
Muslin fabric
Fusible – Pellon Wonder Under is a good choice but use what you have
Four small beads for eyes
Square of felt for backing
Water soluble glue stick
Step-by-Step Instructions:
Place a piece of white card stock on your cutting machine. Use the cut files to cut out the holes on the card stock. I placed the birds inside of the blanket stitch border so I could make a decorative edge.
Card stock cut using cut files Cut around the edge of the design. Measure one inch from the last row of holes.
Cut a piece of muslin at least an inch bigger than the cut card stock.
Fused muslin on top of card stock Cut a piece of felt the same size as the card stock. This will be attached later.
Fuse the muslin to the paper. Use your favorite fusible and method for fusing. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
Use a darker embroidery thread to outline the branch. Make vertical lines across the branches. These lines provide a place to weave the thread.
Use an over-under pattern to weave a light brown thread over the vertical lines of the branch.

Outline the bird in dark thread. Make lines across the bird to section off the tail and head with horizontal lines and vertical lines for the wings. See the photo. Use colors that appeal to you.
Outline birds and then section body into horizontal and vertical lines Stitch the birds in the following order:
First use straight stitches to form the belly.
For the head and tail use the horizontal lines to weave the thread over and under. On the next row weave under and then over. This will create more texture.
From the belly to the tail use straight stitches fill in the space. Start at the center and work towards the sides.
Lastly, use a weaving stitch going over and under the vertical lines to create wings. Extend the tip of the wings over the bottom to form a point.
Add beaks with freehand stitches.
Add a small dark stitch on the beak.
Glue or stitch the beads on the heads to create eyes.
Birds created with weaving textures and beads for eyes Use the outline holes around the birds and use a fly stitch to create a border around the birds.
Fold the extra muslin to the back of the project and use a glue stick to hold it in place.
Use a blanket stitch to attach the felt to the back of the fabric.
Weave some thread together and place on the back to create a hanging loop.
Blanket stitch felt to back of project and add hanging loop
I found this project relaxing and fun. I hope you do as well.
